How To Stop Struggling Your Way Through Life


Are you going through a rough patch that does not seem to end? Do you feel that you are on the border of burnout, or perhaps already in the middle of one? Do you believe you are out of options, out of luck, out of time? Where do you put the blame? Is it your partner, your family, your past, or maybe your work? This darn economy and crooked politics? All these narcissists around you? I know what you are going through because I have been there. But what if I told you that it’s not them? What if said to you that all you need is yourself to get out of this? You don’t believe me, right? But you would like to. Me too, so I got myself out.

My failures were a success

I have gone through similar rough patches, burnouts, a failed marriage, and a painful divorce. Out of luck, out of love, blaming the world. But I know now that I was flat out wrong. The rough patches were my greatest teachers. My ‘failed’ marriage was a great success because I learned more about myself and about the true nature of love than I would have without it. I also learned that the world wasn’t to blame, and that blame is, in most cases, a useless concept and an obstacle when learning about life. Blame takes power away from you, and you need it back if you really want to live.

I always knew that there was something I was missing. Some secret that I did not see or understand. Something I had to learn for my life to work. There were the good times when I was in a flow, and few things could stop me, but inevitably they would end because I was yet unaware of the core difference between the good times and the bad times. Still, I never gave up hope that some kind of awakening would take place at some point. I had no choice but to hold on to that idea, or I would surely sink into the abyss of depression.

After decades of struggling and searching for the hidden secret, I found myself in the middle of yet another burnout (including some scary physical symptoms and partial loss of consciousness) and closer to the border of depression than ever before. At that moment, it became clear to me. This time I had to break through the barriers that had been holding me back, or I was sure to fall into the deepest pit I had ever known. Then I remembered a movie I had seen a long time ago about the life of Nelson Mandela. The title of the movie, “Invictus”, is taken from a poem by William Ernest Henley. Especially the last strophe of that poem came to mind.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

I always felt drawn to these particular phrases, but until then, the most important truth they tell had illuded me for such a long time, that I never imagined they would show me anything else than what I already knew. Because of all that I had learned before, I was unable to grasp this at a deeper level. I interpreted it according to what I had known most of my life, that life is hard work and that you have to fight all the time to get what you want, without any guarantee that you will get it. But that is not at all what these words mean to me now. And therein lies the secret.

The Secret that is not Secret

Honestly, there is no secret. Since I broke through my barriers, I have found that these truths have been around for a very long time. They were always there, but you have to be able to recognize them. When the vail is finally taken away, the path opens up. Life opens up to you. The secret that is no secret can be described in many ways, but one thing I had noticed is that they are often told in riddles, so I decided to write my own version, one that was based on my personal experiences and failures. I have tried to describe it as if I had to learn it all over again so that you could follow the breadcrumbs.

I am not saying that life will always be easy after reading “You can be the Guru!” but it will be worth facing the challenges, and you will be meeting them with much more confidence and insights than ever before. There is no need to sink into burnouts, or feel that you are out of options. There is also no need to blame others and give them the power that is rightfully yours once you are willing to take it. You can become a self-sufficient human being with much more to offer than you ever imagined, and in the process, you will help humanity advance into a new era. 

The majority of people feel trapped just like you may feel right now. Maybe for different reasons, but the core reason is always the same. They feel that their life is not theirs. They believe themselves to be victims, and they suffer it even though there is no need to keep on suffering. By taking the necessary steps, you not only turn your own life around but likely those of the people around you. Some may not be prepared, but those who are ready will unconsciously recognize your change and be drawn to you for advice.

Knowing is the easy part

All that from reading a simple book? No, of course not! Reading “You can be the Guru!” is the easy part. You still have to do something with it, or nothing will happen. I can only show you the door, but you will have to take the necessary steps to walk through it. And make no mistake, you will encounter inner as well as outer resistance once you start changing your ways, because society has (misin)formed you up till now, and others may feel you are swimming against the current. What they don’t realize (yet) is that they are the ones that are swimming against the current and chasing every wave all their lives (which is why they struggle), while you are learning to use the flow of the river in your favor. All you have to do is become “the Captain of your Soul”. Are you ready to start navigating your life?


“You can be the Guru!” is available on