All this talk about Lucifer, Satan, and Evil


I am not a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, etcetera, but because of where I grew up I am more familiar with the stories of the bible than with most other religious texts. Lucifer, Evil, Satan and other biblical terms and names are therefore easier for me to analyze and put into the perspective of human consciousness. Why? You might ask.

Slowly but steadily science is coming to the conclusion that perhaps Consciousness could be the motor behind everything in the universe, instead of matter and chemical reactions producing life and consciousness as a coincidence. This One Consciousness is often misrepresented in religious texts when describing God. Or is it? 

Perhaps humanity has evolved from a different state in earlier times in which those particular representations of God or Consciousness actually made sense. Maybe we’re simply unable to interpret these descriptions in the way they were meant to. If we wish to understand the purpose and workings of Evil as described in the Bible, we must first get a basic understanding of Christianity (the New Testament) and of part of the Old Testament. 

That is not easy when so many interpretations and translations contradict each other in so many ways. For example, many people refer to Yahweh from the Old Testament as the one God creator and that is quite the misinterpretation. In the New Testament, there is no mention of Yahweh at all, and while the accepted explanation is that it is in Greek and not in Hebrew, from Genesis 2:4 Yahweh is also referred to as Yahweh-Elohim. ‘Yahweh’ is, therefore, an Elohim (Exousiai in Greek), which are (important and powerful) mid-level spiritual beings within the Christian hierarchy. 

Yahweh was, in fact, the guiding spiritual being or ‘group soul’ for the Jewish people in preparation of the incarnation of a much higher spirit we usually call Christ, which happens to be the actual son in the holy trinity at the very top of the hierarchy. I am not talking about the human Jesus, who was the (wise) man that lived for thirty years until he was baptized by John, because that is when Christ ‘incarnated’ into Jesus to live out the remaining three years until his death at the cross. This difference between Christ and Jesus is also not usually recognized, which explains the ongoing confusion about Jesus and Christ. 


The three-year incarnation of Christ began as a relatively loose connection with the body of Jesus, during which all kinds of wonders could (still) be performed. Over time, however, the incarnation went deeper into the ‘flesh’, so to speak, and Christ’s divine powers were more and more dampened, ending in the humiliation, torture and crucifixion during which all his powers seemed to have disappeared and to the naked eye he appears to be a mere human. At that point, Christ could most certainly feel pain and fear of death like a human, which explains the famous prayer: “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Followed by: “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done…”.

It is surrendering to what needs to be done, but not without passing through intense and genuine fear. This ‘path’ towards a complete incarnation has meaning and purpose in the sense that it shows us a way towards resurrection. If you look at the current state of humanity, you see that we are more material-orientated than ever. We are currently deeply incarnated and many people identify largely (if not completely) with the body and personality that they have during their lives. Christ’s sacrifice was (amongst many other things) meant to lead the way and clear a path for us to follow back upwards. But why was his sacrifice even necessary?

Free will

It’s our choice if we want to walk that path, but if there is a path to be cleared, there must also be something working against it. Maybe this counter-force is trying to cover that path because without any resistance, things would flow effortlessly by themselves and no (divine) intervention like the crucifixion would be needed. Of course, we would learn little or nothing if living were effortless and our choice would be predestined and not truly free. And that’s the whole point of the resisting forces.

Most people are convinced that there is only one counter-force often called ‘the devil’, who also goes by the name of Lucifer Morningstar and additionally is called the light-bringer or light-bearer. But there are other names he supposedly goes by, like Satan, or the Anti-Christ. If we are talking about the same entity, then why does he need all these different names? Unless, of course, the counter-forces also have more than one player active in the game of existence. Maybe even a hierarchy of their own?

The Devil

Lucifer is the snake in paradise that seduces Eve to eat fruit from ‘the tree of knowledge of good and evil’. That seems like a good thing as it would offer us more freedom, but you can easily read between the lines that Adam and Eve were far too innocent and hardly ready for that kind of knowledge. Not yet ready for what was given by Lucifer means that they were thrown into the deep end of the pool without learning how to swim first. What do you do when that happens? Either you drown or you try to reach the side of the swimming pool and in a way that is where most of us are still waiting. Many are still waiting to be rescued when instead they should be learning how to swim.

Misplaced, or more accurately, mis-timed actions when humans are not yet ready for it, is responsible for much of what we call ‘evil’. Like discovering nuclear power when we are still at a level of consciousness where we destruct life in all kinds of terrible wars. However, freedom could not be real freedom if mistakes couldn’t be made. The chance of failure and choosing a destructive or harmful path is what makes freedom possible and real, so counter-forces are necessary for freedom. If the counter-forces themselves had no freedom to, for example, seduce us as we see in the story with Adam, Eve and the Apple, then the ‘game’ would still be ‘rigged’ and freedom could never be real.

So what was Lucifer’s role in this story? That is very difficult to explain, but to get a feel for it, you could compare it with this: Give an animal the power of the human mind on top of its instincts and it will turn earth into a combination of ‘Planet of the Apes’ (the 2001 movie) and ‘Lord of the Flies’, which in a way is not unlike the current situation in the world. What Lucifer gave to humanity is a certain freedom, but because we weren’t at all ready for it, most of us are still unable to handle what was given. This is, of course, a tremendous over-simplification, but it helps us to get a basic understanding of the kind of light the light-bearer Lucifer gave us.

I’ll be the judge of that!

It has been suggested that Lucifer gave intelligence to people, but that is not accurate. The tree of knowledge of good and evil offers the possibility to ‘judge’. That is why Adam and Eve feel ashamed and naked after eating from the apple. They are judging everything, including themselves. So, with that gift of freedom comes a lot of responsibilities and a truck-load of downsides. The knowledge of good and evil not only gives all kinds of new experiences, but it also offers the possibility to misjudge, because knowledge and wisdom are not the same things. 

Judging makes us different from animals. An animal won’t feel ashamed for being ‘naked’, and even when a dog gives you a guilty look, it doesn’t really feel guilty. Instead, it feels fear of punishment. We, however, have been cast out of this paradise of innocence, into a world where we can judge and be judged. Knowledge is not the same as insight, though, and it can turn innocence into a kind of ignorance if it’s not taken to the level of understanding. It can open your eyes, but it can just as easily blind you.

With our ability to judge we create a complete belief-system that we connect and identify with. Our belief-system is an accumulation of things we learn and judge during our lives, even the things we misjudge. They stick with us and often guide as from within our subconscious mind. In other words, we are often unfree and unaware of their strong influence. In that, we can recognize that we are not actually prepared for it, because it’s an ability we don’t really understand and lack real control over. 

“The ego is not a bearer of evil forces because of its own nature, but because it has become infected with Luciferic forces through the temptation by Lucifer[…]”
— Rudolf Steiner

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”
— William Shakespeare


Luciferic workings are especially strong in fanatics of any kind. Their judging goes so far that they are no longer searching for truth in the world around them. Their prejudice is the only truth that remains in their belief-system and questioning it automatically makes the one who questions an enemy. More than bring light, I would say that Lucifer brings fire. The consuming fire of emotions that govern and cloud the mind.

Nowadays emotions are actually in pretty high esteem, judging by what is shown in movies and TV series, but there is no real basis for that other than our addiction to them. An addiction that is made evident by the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. 

“The pain-body is an addiction to unhappiness.”
— Eckhart Tolle

It’s important to understand the difference between emotions and feelings as we use these terms here. You ‘have’ a feeling, but you ‘become’ the emotion. Feelings make you aware and conscious, while emotions take over and put part of your consciousness to sleep. By doing that, you get emotionally attached to the object or subject that your emotion is aimed at. This can be a person, a thing, or an idea in your mind, and it’s usually a combination of two or three of them.

Luciferic emotions trick us into believing our judgments, even when they are untruths or half-truths. That is part of the counter-force the light-bringer offers us. A force that we either need to overcome so we can move forward, or be defeated by it to go even lower than the animals. What would be lower than animals? War and terrorism are probably good examples, but I’m sure you can think of some more typically human things going by that description, but they are certainly not all Lucifer’s doing.

modern times

Evil does not just exist because of Lucifer’s gift, because he doesn’t work alone, as I suggested before. It is not the only ‘temptation’ or counter-force we are faced with. In our modern world, another player has us chasing a different temptation that is built upon Lucifers gift. Because we are still largely unprepared for his gift, we can fall into the trap of identifying completely with the content of our mind. This not only creates a more egotistical being but also makes it possible, for example, to lie to ourselves and become slaves of our many subconscious impulses and beliefs.

A special kind of belief-system is the view that the spiritual world does not exist and is (at best) a chemically induced hallucination. According to that belief, we are intelligent apes and the body is a biological machine. Everyone takes care of themselves in a survival of the fittest and towards material goals. The end justifies the means. Everything is calculable. The world is manufacturable, mechanizable through cold intelligence (not wisdom!), like a giant machine. In one word… materialism. Our current paradigm. Is that also evil?

Our deep plunge into the material world through science has brought us much knowledge, but not always insights, and definitely not always wisdom. Scientific discoveries can not only be used in opposite ways, let’s say either for prosperity or for war, but they can also be interpreted in very different ways. It’s often not the scientific discovery itself that decides whether we interpret it one way or another, but our predefined world-view and belief-system that overrules a free interpretation or ‘judgement’ on that discovery. Finding some physical or chemical element reacting is not definitive proof that there is no intelligence or consciousness behind it unless you have already decided that such an explanation is unthinkable.

A hidden force in plain sight

A different counterforce tempts us to adopt this ‘special’ belief that denies the (possible) existence of a spiritual world and tends to ridicule everything (and even bullies anyone) that remotely points towards something spiritual. This counterforce intents to control our beliefs instead of liberating them as Lucifer did, but it could not do that if Lucifer had not given his gift first. Calculated control and power are an important part of it, but not the kind that is easily recognized, as it is based on our very own belief-system. In other words, it uses an invisible prison and all kinds of half-truths, lies, and manipulation to create this prison within our own mind.

An example of the cold and calculated way this counterforce can be recognized would be in investment-banking where it’s all about the numbers. Not about the people. Didn’t Judas betray Jesus for a sum of money? The Bible doesn’t literally tell us why Judas did that, but we can deduce that he never believed that Jesus was ‘Christ the savior, son of God’. So, who is this counterforce that got him to betray his Rabbi (teacher)? By which name does he go in the Bible?

“In the New Testament, Satan and his demons have the power to enter and possess people; this is what is said to have happened to Judas (Luke 22:3; John 13:27; cf. Mark 5:12–13; Luke 8:30–32)”
— Shawna Dolansky (Article)

Satan shows similarities to Angra Mainyu (‘destructive spirit’) or Ahriman from the old Persian holy books. With his deceit, darkness, chaos, and death he is the adversary or opposer to Ahura Mazda’s (God’s) truth, light, order and life. Both Satan and Ahriman have demons at their disposal, but more importantly, if there is no spiritual world, death becomes definitive. 

“Things as certain as death and taxes, can be more firmly believ’d.”
Daniel Defoe, The Political History of the Devil, 1726.

They know not…

Although recognizable, investment-banking is not even an extreme example. More extreme would perhaps be staging a false flag attack to justify invading a foreign country for its oil reserves or strategic value. It’s keeping things secret from, or spying on the people in your own country in the name of national security. It is strategically planning a culling of the general population because there are too many people on earth. The list goes on and on and much of it is happening in our time. This makes some people and groups believe that we are in what is often called The End Times. But, even though we are at an important crossroads, that is not my interpretation.

Just to be clear, it’s certainly not my idea to create an us-against-them climate. Please, forgive them because in the vast majority of cases “they know not what they do”. What I mean by that is that they too are in the dark, the same way most people are, when it comes to their own belief-system. They simply have accumulated different (mis)beliefs than you about what is right and what is wrong. And that is how people are susceptible to all kinds of false and untrue ideas and can be manipulated into doing bad and evil things, while still believing they are doing the right thing or doing good even.

In a world ruled by Satan, anything can be ‘justified’ and rationally explained, which means even the biggest lie can sound like truth. That is the danger of his gift, our ’personal intelligence’, in a wrongful combination with Lucifer’s gift to judge. Whenever we think about something from a Luciferic pre-judgment, the product of our thinking may turn out to be untrue. It gives way for a multitude of opinions that are difficult to rebut, and people ‘infected’ with such an opinion are rarely convinced otherwise. It makes us ‘seem’ intelligent, while what it often does is make us blind for truth.

The beast

The two counterforces we have named Lucifer and Satan (or Ahriman) are both allies and counterparts at the same time. They draw us either to the extreme right or extreme left side of our brain. Those kinds of extreme pulls usually lead to oscillating movements and disorientation, which is, in fact, the current state of the world. There are extremists on both sides and neither of them is affected by only one of these two evils. For them to become extreme and act on it, both elements of evil need to be present so that a third, more evil element can take hold of their soul. There are, after all, three sixes in his number (which in Hebrew spells Sorat).

A higher level of evil needs an extreme example, but don’t think we haven’t seen it raise its ugly head. Who hasn’t heard of the atrocities that took place in nazi-Germany? But the real question is: how does it get to something like that? Here comes a simplified walk through the awakening of the beast.

Germany was at the peak of its culture before the first World War. A strong, proud and highly productive people from which some of the brightest minds and culture of the time arose. Then WW1 happened. They lost and were forced to pay the victors to the point where they were left dry. The poverty, in combination with the pain and humiliation of it all, gave rise to some radical and extremist ideas. Emotionally tainted and distorted views were developed that Hitler and his nazis made reality.

But still…

How can anyone do the things that were done in the concentration camps? On one side there was an easy trigger in the German people at that time. They were at the mercy of others, deeply humiliated, and it did not look like their suffering was going to end anytime soon. That creates many shades of desperation and anger, and the way we deal with that in our present state is by blaming someone or something else. It was too much to handle as they still identified completely with being these proud and strong Germans, so they were primed and eager to find a scapegoat for their suffering ego.

Apart from the personal psychology that took place in every German, there were also clear elements of mass psychology that history had not seen until then. Hitler used to make long speeches, starting off with a lot of boring stuff and a monotone voice. This would basically put the crowd half to sleep and hypnotize them into a sort of trance for the more ‘exciting stuff’ towards the end to have a maximum effect. His speeches didn’t even have to make a whole lot of sense, as long as they awoke their rage and leave them ecstatic and fanatic at the end. The Luciferic influence is clearly recognizable and one might say that the crowd, as well as Hitler himself, were ‘possessed’ at the time.

This kind of possession makes it possible for sects to commit mass suicides and for certain terrorists to agree to become suicide bombers. Still, there needs to be some sort of idea or philosophy to actually make it happen. They need something to believe in before they can act on it. The whole nazi-philosophy is based on what they emotionally wanted to be true. Directed by their emotional mis-judgement they cherry-picked their way through facts, lies, and fiction, while at the same time fully believing in what they made up. 

A Satanic element would be the control that the Nazis had over the people. Although it was also based on fear, many were happy to do what they were told, or it would leave them cold. Even if it meant doing the worst evil for the ‘greater good’. If anyone ever doubted the strength and dangers of the forces of evil, investigating the nazis should put on end to that doubt. Through the combination of emotional suffering, social pressure and cold bureaucracy alone, a lot of evil can find new roots. Add a philosophy to it that feeds the needs of the emotionally mangled and all it takes is a common goal to awaken the beast.

The alternative

Freedom must mean that there must also be an alternative to evil. A way that gives us real freedom instead of the surrogate freedoms we have been offered by the counter-forces. They may be called gifts, but so far they seem to be curses more than blessings. There are of course indications in the Bible:

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
— John 8:32 (King James Version)

But what is the truth and how can we see it if we are currently looking through Lucifer’s filter? Obviously, the first thing we need to do is learn how to take away that filter. We need to learn how to swim before we let go of the side of the pool, or we will certainly drown. The way to do that is indicated especially in John’s Gospel, although not easily recognized as such, because it is mostly given ‘by example’ and not as an instruction on how to deal with this. A key element is given through Jesus Christ’s mysterious words ‘I am’ (‘ego eimi’ in ancient Greek). It tells us that we need to know ourselves, or more accurately, know the truth about our ‘Self’.

Do you want to learn how to swim and find out the truth about your ‘Self’? “You can be the Guru!” teaches you the process to help you go through the desert and find who you really are on the other side. If you want to know more about what this change can do for you, be sure to read the article “The One Shift that Changes Everything”.

See also:
All this talk about Lucifer, Satan, and Evil (part 2 – a summary)