It took me 30 Years to finally figure this out!


And it was worth every second…

Actually, it took me more than 30 years, a marriage, divorce and new relation, living in another country and culture, a disease, several burnouts and much more, just to figure out that what I was looking for, is exactly what the Guru’s have been telling us for ages.

That may sound a bit dramatic, or even a waste of time, but it was definitely not. I found bits and pieces on the way, but just never the whole picture. The problem with a lot of wise Guru speech is that their message is easily lost in translations and metaphors. You may read or hear what they say, but that does not mean that you completely understand them yet, even if you are convinced you do.

Because we are talking about the most complicated creatures on earth, human beings, it is not surprising that our major existence issues are not easily explained. To a question like ‘who am I’, which is only the simplest and most condensed way of putting it, a multitude of different answers can apply, while for most people none of them seem to be doing the trick.

Hidden truth

But there is another reason why it took me so long to get to the core answers for my questions, and that is the fact that we are basically blind for the actual answers. They are largely hidden from us by our own condition, the state we are in, and the proof is in the state of the world at this moment in history. If we had the answers to the important questions in life, humanity would have chosen a different path a long time ago.

Even so, traces of the answers can be found everywhere. Sometimes you read a quote that really resonates. It doesn’t matter if it’s from a Guru, a blog post, or your favourite TV show or series. It does something with you, even if you don’t grasp its full meaning. Of course, most of the time you believe you do grasp it, but the truth of the matter is that most of the time you don’t. I first needed to experience and cultivate this one thing that united everything that I (thought I) already knew.

Red Pills and Rabbit Holes

So, what if you could go deeper into the rabbit hole, take the red pill and disconnect from the prison of your mind? I have lived on the edge of it for decades and that is actually the worst place to be. Being in no man’s land has not been the easiest part of my experience, but in the end, it led me here and I am grateful for it. Luckily, you can largely skip that part, or at least take the fast road through the wastelands that lie between the before and after.

When I say ‘the before and after’, what I mean is that the world will not look and feel the same once you open the door and you begin to understand what is really meant with these quotes:

What do you want with your life?

Of course, you can understand what is said above, but there is an extra dimension to all of these quotes that eludes the vast majority of people today, and it keeps us locked within a specific level of the game of life and consciousness. As I have experienced in the past, we often believe that we are making progress, and it’s not said that we don’t, but it usually stays within the same limited level of consciousness we grew up in.

It doesn’t matter if you are trying to change the world, be a better husband, wife, mother, father or child. Maybe you hope to ease your suffering, seek to be enlightened, or find a better way to live and be more at peace, have more success, stop feeling alone, etcetera. All these topics are related to and hindered by your ‘normal’ state and consciousness. 

‘Normal’ is the new ‘Foolish’

By the way, what is considered ‘normal’ in society, is nothing more than what is ‘accepted’ by the majority of people, but that does not necessarily make it healthy, useful, or even true. We often don’t even know why certain things became the norm(al). We just accept them, because everybody else does.

When more people start evolving their consciousness, in time a new normal will arise naturally, but you can get ahead of the curve right now if you want to, and with it you have the opportunity to enrich your life and that of the people around you. All it takes is a little guts to take the first step, but that’s nothing compared to the unnecessary suffering you are experiencing yourself and unknowingly cause in others, by staying where you are right now.

Change the world by transforming yourself. ‘You can be the Guru!’ is the Hitchhiker’s guide for Soul-seekers who want to grow as a person, but who don’t want to reinvent the wheel. With this guide, you can become your own Guru, so that a life worth living reveals itself to you. I invite you to read and experience this liberating and revealing guide on how to become your own Guru in life.

Let the journey begin!