“You are still the same consciousness that entered into this world as a newborn, and you will always have the ability to start over.” —Samwell Newman (From: ”You can be the Guru!”)
Category: Quotes
Don’t resist what is offered
“Don’t resist what is offered and accept the limitations you are given. They are naturally there to guide, challenge and even protect you. Try to see the wisdom in any unexpected outcome.” —Samwell Newman (From: “You can be the Guru!”)
Imagine becoming a very young Child
“Just imagine becoming the way you used to be as a very young child, before you understood the meaning of any word, before opinions took over your mind.
The Matrix of ego-awareness
“Our modern society educates children not to become Self-aware, but to become ego-aware, which leaves us to suffer a false sense of self for the rest of our lives. That is the actual Matrix we need to free ourselves from.” —Samwell Newman (From: “Inner Peace and why you can’t find it”)
Self and Ego
“There is Self and there is Ego. Ego is like the Artificial Intelligence for Self to ‘play’ with. Unfortunately the A.I. has fooled Self and has taken over our consciousness. Self is now half asleep and dreams it is Ego’s virtual reality, namely our false self-image. Ego has become the Matrix for Self. Now is…
The Balance within
“Earth is a system of intricate balance.We are part of that system. Therefore we cannot expect to live in a balanced world unless we are able to find balance in ourselves first.” —Samwell Newman
Peace of being
“I used to think that peace of mind was when my situation was like I wanted it to be and in my mind I was happy about those favoring circumstances, but over the years I’ve come to realize that it’s actually when I don’t mind (meaning: I am not using my mind) that peace arrises…
Separation is an illusion
“Separation is an illusion, like a mosaic. When you get too close, it seems chaotic and fragmented, but when you find a higher perspective, the entire image turns into a complete work of art.” — Samwell Newman
No one can offend you
“No one can ever really offend, irritate or anger us, because it is our own inner reaction and there is no button for it anywhere, except in the false identification within our minds with certain things and ideas. As soon as we let go of such an identification, our misplaced reaction disappears with it.” —…
Accept what is
“Know that every useful reaction or answer to any given situation starts with one thing: acceptance of what is.” — Samwell Newman