Many people will not like to hear the truth about purpose. Only those who don’t wish to suffer unnecessarily in the search for a non-existent idealistic purpose, and find their actual purpose instead, will significantly benefit from what I’m about to explain. Fortunately, this will be a short article, so there is hardly any time lost in reading it.
Category: Personal Development
How To Stop Struggling Your Way Through Life
Are you going through a rough patch that does not seem to end? Do you feel that you are on the border of burnout, or perhaps already in the middle of one? Do you believe you are out of options, out of luck, out of time? Where do you put the blame? Is it your…
The truth about reprogramming your mind
Are you seeking to reprogram your subconscious mind? That is pretty easy if you let someone else do it for you. There are numerous ways to ‘get it done’, not unlike a facelift, but are you sure that it’s what you really need?
3 Radical Ideas to (dis)solve your Problems
Although the majority of people have grown more and more sceptical of instant solutions, we are often still hoping to find it someday somewhere, convinced that it would solve all our problems. Win the lottery, find the perfect job or house, find the ideal partner, etcetera.
All this talk about Lucifer, Satan, and Evil (part 2 – a summary)
Lucifer seduces to eat fruit from “The Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil”. Unfortunately, there is no wisdom or understanding necessary to judge. On top of that, we connect and identify with what we judge and
Self or self-image?
“Your self-image and your real self are two completely different things. Your self-image is an idea and belief about yourself that reflects itself in how you see the world around you. Your real Self cannot be ‘looked at’ like the self-image, nor can it be told to others in a story about ‘your life’.” —Samwell…
Inner Peace and why you can’t find it
To search for inner peace is actually a contradiction in terms. Inner peace is not just a state of mind, as many believe. It’s an experience that emerges naturally during a certain state of being. We can search for things in the world outside and even things within the mind. But a state of being van only be experienced.
Not everyone you disagree with is stupid or evil!
Actually, no-one is… or everyone, depending on how you look at it, but let’s not turn that into an ugly discussion. The digital era has made communicating over great distances a piece of cake. We can tell each other how much we care for one another through a multitude of social media platforms, but that…
How to work on your Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
What are they and how can we work on them efficiently? The two terms Self-confidence and Self-esteem are often not only confused, but they are rarely understood in a way that helps us to obtain them. In the simplest of terms, you could say that Self-confidence points to trusting oneself and Self-esteem expresses how you…
Everything you need to know about the stages of Personal Growth and Development
You will find a lot of blog post promising to give you a number (literally) of different stages of personal growth. My advice is to stop reading them! They are of no use to you. I’m sure the writers mean well, but the picture they paint is hardly touching reality. One of the most important…