“Forgiveness contains the word ‘give’. Why is that? Because to forgive, we need to give away (let go) willingly what was taken forcefully.” —Samwell Newman
Author: Samwell
How to find your purpose
Many people will not like to hear the truth about purpose. Only those who don’t wish to suffer unnecessarily in the search for a non-existent idealistic purpose, and find their actual purpose instead, will significantly benefit from what I’m about to explain. Fortunately, this will be a short article, so there is hardly any time lost in reading it.
How To Stop Struggling Your Way Through Life
Are you going through a rough patch that does not seem to end? Do you feel that you are on the border of burnout, or perhaps already in the middle of one? Do you believe you are out of options, out of luck, out of time? Where do you put the blame? Is it your…
Unconditional Love
“The ego is conditioned by many things in life, therefore the love it offers is conditional. Whenever the self is free…
Struggle against the Universe
“When you struggle against the present moment, you are actually struggling against the entire universe…” —Deepak Chopra
Q&A – What can I do when I feel lost?
Many people have that feeling regularly in modern society, and it begs the question of why. Understanding the workings of our inner world can shed light on this gloomy topic. What the sensation and suffering of feeling lost is asking of you, is that you restore the balance within your soul and reconnect it with…
To know and be your Self
“To truly know and be yourself, it is necessary to cleanse all you have accumulated that is unnecessary, half true, and untrue.” — Samwell Newman See also: “How to be your Self”
How to be Your Self
To learn how to be your Self, you will first need to know for sure who you really are. However, asking yourself ‘who am I?’ is not going to help you much. Most of us don’t know who we are, so we come up with answers that include our name. “I’m Frank”. “I’m Teresa”. But…
The truth about reprogramming your mind
Are you seeking to reprogram your subconscious mind? That is pretty easy if you let someone else do it for you. There are numerous ways to ‘get it done’, not unlike a facelift, but are you sure that it’s what you really need?
3 Radical Ideas to (dis)solve your Problems
Although the majority of people have grown more and more sceptical of instant solutions, we are often still hoping to find it someday somewhere, convinced that it would solve all our problems. Win the lottery, find the perfect job or house, find the ideal partner, etcetera.